High Ground News — Opinion: Hillcrest High School prepares students for success

Karen Garrett

Raising six children as a single parent in South Memphis has had its challenges but with God’s help I have beat the odds. The one thing I have always wanted for each of my six children was a great education and a college degree. Javonte is the baby of the family and will be the last to graduate high school—and I’m proud to say the last to go off to college this fall at the University of Northern Colorado.

From the moment I walked into Hillcrest High School, a Green Dot Public School here in Memphis, I knew this was the right fit for Javonte. We were invited to an open house to learn more about the school. Immediately, we were greeted by teachers who wanted to know everything about my son and his future. What was he passionate about? What were my hopes for his future? What were his hopes for his future? Did he want to play football? Has he thought about college yet? These teachers didn’t simply look at the fact that he was a 6’6 athlete. They cared more about his ability to succeed. They wanted to get to know who he was and what he wanted. Like me, they were not concerned that he played football. They wanted to make sure he was focused on getting the best education and preparation for life.