Boosters tour Ánimo James B. Taylor, meet with students and teachers

Livetours resumed with the visit of friends and boosters of the Green Dot Public Schools network at Ánimo James B. Taylor Charter Middle School (AJBT) in Watts, a Los Angeles neighborhood long served by our schools.. Principal Tiana Diggs and Assistant Principal Naomi Yokota led the visitors, who toured the school facilities in South Los…


Green Dot Celebrates International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day recognizes the contributions of women across the world. In celebration of the global holiday, we’ve rounded up 10 articles and videos that highlight the impacts that women have had on education and equitability at Green Dot Public Schools.


Tiana Diggs: Leading with Love and High Expectations


Few people are surprised that Tiana Diggs is now a principal at the school where her teaching career began. Though if you asked Diggs if she ever imagined that she’d be a principal the answer might surprise you. “Absolutely not, I don’t know if that sounds crazy but I didn’t,” laughed Tiana Diggs, Principal at Ánimo James B. Taylor Charter Middle School (AJBT).