College Readiness is a Family Affair


When my oldest son came to this school he was struggling academically and was very timid, but the teachers helped him grow several grade levels and boosted his self esteem and confidence.”


Why this Parent Loves Wooddale Middle School


Antoine Stone is a proud Green Dot parent who considers Wooddale Middle School a second home. “It feels so family oriented and that’s what I love. It’s not just teachers that come to teach kids, but it’s mothers and fathers that come to teach their kids, who they call their kids away from home,” said Stone.


Parent Leaders Foster Change For Their Communities

UPAS Parents March

This fall, United Parents and Students (UPAS) hosted thousands of local parents, students, and community members at the the fifth annual United Parents and Students assembly, Forward SoCal, at USC’s Bovard Auditorium. Since the assembly, UPAS leaders have obtained significant commitments from city council members and elected officials.


MLK Photo Essay: Remembering We’re on a Mission for All


As we celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this weekend, we reflect on how the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s influenced public school campuses throughout the country. Even as our nation has advanced toward better opportunities for all, far too many inequities remain, and at Green Dot, we’re still on a mission to graduate all students prepared for college, leadership, and life.