
Green Dot to Partner in Transformation of Beaumont’s M.L. King Middle School

February 10, 2021

Green Dot was invited to partner with the local school district in Beaumont, Texas to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for the students of Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School


LAUSD Renewal of 7 Green Dot Schools Reaffirms Accountability and Performance

December 9, 2020

Supporters and school leaders shared stories and quantitative results across all seven schools—demonstrating how instrumental each school has been in supporting the academic growth of students.

Animo Ralph Bunche Graduation

What Does "Ánimo" Mean?

September 29, 2020

Of Green Dot’s 19 schools in California, nearly all have the word Ánimo in their name. What does Ánimo mean? And why is it so important to Green Dot?


Ten Green Dot Schools Win Student Growth Awards from CORE Districts

April 4, 2019

Last week, several schools in the Green Dot Public Schools California network were announced as recipients of the CORE Districts’ Academic Growth Awards. Most notably, Ánimo Western Charter Middle School was recognized for three years of high impact growth in English Language Arts.


What Mitochondria and the Seattle Seahawks Have in Common

March 26, 2019

Caresse Fernandez has spent enough time in the classroom to feel comfortable about her approach and the strength of her curriculum, and yet this year, she decided to upend all of her tried and true curricula to start fresh. She’s making connections between classwork and local news, including the Seattle Seahawks, orca whales in the Puget Sound, and more.

school of the year

Locke Receives 2019 Charter School of the Year Award

March 13, 2019

Today, Alain Leroy Locke College Preparatory Academy, the former Locke High School and Green Dot’s first turnaround school, was named Charter School of the Year by the California Charter Schools Association at their annual conference.


Green Dot Joins Thousands of Parents to Rally Ahead of Charter Moratorium

January 30, 2019

Yesterday hundreds of parents and students from Green Dot Public Schools joined thousands more from across the city to demand that Los Angeles Unified School District board members vote “no” on a resolution to call for a statewide moratorium on authorizing new charter schools.

UPAS Parents March

Parent Leaders Foster Change For Their Communities

January 22, 2019

This fall, United Parents and Students (UPAS) hosted thousands of local parents, students, and community members at the the fifth annual United Parents and Students assembly, Forward SoCal, at USC’s Bovard Auditorium. Since the assembly, UPAS leaders have obtained significant commitments from city council members and elected officials.


A More Intentional Approach to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Green Dot

December 11, 2018

In order to deliver on our promise of preparing all students for college, leadership and life, we believe we need to foster school cultures that embrace both individuality and unity, beginning with our own team members.


Help Make College Access Possible For All

November 1, 2018

This year, across our network, each of our 30 schools is fundraising to help underwrite college tours or SAT/ACT prep for their students. Give today and make an impact on the lives of nearly 15,000 students in chronically underserved communities.

supreme court

Supreme Court Ruling is a Victory for Students and Families

October 25, 2018

Earlier today, the Washington State Supreme Court ruled that charter schools are constitutional, and upheld lower court rulings that affirmed the laws that govern and fund charter schools.


Celebrating a New Home for Rainier Valley Leadership Academy Middle School

October 10, 2018

Last month, students at Rainier Valley Leadership Academy got a new school home. To celebrate the new building, RVLA students and staff, along with community partners, hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony and shared their thoughts on the importance of having high quality public school options in their neighborhood.


Follow us:

Green Dot Public Schools

1149 S. Hill St., Ste 600
Los Angeles, CA 90015

Phone: (323) 565-1600
