Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee Updates 4/11

GDPST Updates April 11, 2022

“It’s not how you start the race or where you are during the race – it is how you cross the finish line that will matter.” - Robert Hale
We are two weeks away from the beginning of the Spring testing season! Beginning April 18, 2022 through May 6, 2022, our students will showcase all they have learned this year, catapulting their teachers and administrators to the highest heights of academic pride. All students and parents are asked to partner with us to make sure students are in attendance each day, have a healthy breakfast and focus on superior performance. Our school leaders and teachers are proud of the work we have done with students for the first full year of instruction since the pandemic shut schools down.
The goal for the last stretch of school is to leverage all instructional time, so students are prepared for the challenges of testing and close out a solid year of learning. We need students to arrive on time, come to class ready to learn, use appropriate cell phone etiquette and pay attention to small details. We are still wearing uniforms, so the expectation is that students are wearing khaki bottoms and navy or blacktops unless permission has been granted to wear something else.
Check the school's Facebook pages and websites for specific testing schedules. We are looking forward to celebrating our success in May, once we are done testing.


April not only brings Spring showers, but it brings one of the greatest celebrations in Green Dot Public Schools TN: The Dotties!
The Dotties is our way of rewarding individuals who bring the very best of themselves to work each day to support students, staff and themselves. Though the pandemic caused us to shift this to a virtual event, schools have found ways to make this an exciting time for all participants.
Individuals are nominated by their peers and voted on anonymously. Each school can select someone for every category. School of the year and Administrator of the year are chosen using a combination of school site data and testimonials from the schools. We are so proud of every winner and look forward to the next year of winners.
Make sure to like our Facebook pages for exciting updates about what's happening at each school!
Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee:

Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee | 4950 Fairley Road, Memphis, TN 38109