How UPAS families led the Pandemic fight against food insecurity

On March 13, 2020, United Parents and Students officials left their offices in Downtown Los Angeles due to the lockdown forced on the city because of the COVID-19 pandemic, expecting to return in two or three weeks to carry out the agenda defined in their most recent assembly just a few months before. As the…


UPAS Celebrates $15M Award for Food Justice in LA County

UPAS receives award

This summer, as a result of the organizing efforts of United Parents and Students, Green Dot families, and the American Heart Association, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to approve $15M of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding for food security.


Rising So That Others Can: Meet Alumna Yaritza Gonzalez


During the 1980s, my parents migrated from Mexico to California in search of better opportunities. In California, I grew up in the fields of Oxnard and the streets of Inglewood, where I witnessed members of my community discriminated against, deported, jailed, and murdered.


How Middle Schoolers are Creating Safe Spaces for LGBTQ+ Students


“I’m kind of mad I didn’t come to this school earlier. I came here a month ago and I finally feel like I belong,” admitted Yair Montano, an eighth grader at Ánimo Mae Jemison Charter Middle School. “In other schools, I felt shut out like I was nothing, but now I feel like I’m really a part of something.”