Excel Students Flex Computational Thinking Skills at Their Annual CT Day

CT Day

Each year, students and teachers at Excel Public Charter School celebrate and demonstrate mastery in their computational thinking (CT) skills at CT Day—a full day devoted to concepts such as algorithmic thinking, pattern recognition and experimentation. At this year’s CT Day, students rotated around to various stations that challenge and hone their CT skills.


Why This Artist Knew She Belonged in the Classroom


During her time at Green Dot, Stephanie Lowe, Ánimo College Preparatory Academy art teacher, has helped establish two Advanced Placement (AP) art programs and exposed students to museums and landmarks across California, and even across the world in a trip to Europe!


College is a Matter of ‘When,’ Not ‘If’ at Green Dot

dual enrollment

Though more students in the United States are attending college after high school than ever before, as many as one in three first-year students don’t return after their freshman year. At Green Dot, we’re helping students build a vision for their life that includes completing college before they even step foot on campus their freshman year.


How Ánimo Mae Jemison is Strengthening Parent Relationships


Ánimo Mae Jemison Charter Middle School works closely with parents to bridge the gap between students’ home and school lives. In addition to the traditional back-to-school nights and School Advisory Council (SAC) meetings, Green Dot partners with United Parents and Students (UPAS) to offer a series of Parent Academy workshops.