GDPST students celebrate mid-year academic achievements

The return to in person classes to the Green Dot Public Schools in Tennessee brought in some exciting news as students in Middle Schools outperformed results from last year midterm iReady exams by double digits. “This is probably the most promising IReady data that we’ve had in several years, so it’s making us feel quite…


Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee Updates 2/13

One of the top priorities of Green Dot Public Schools TN is creating spaces and opportunities for everyone to persevere through any of life’s challenges, leading individuals to a place of physical and mental wellness.


Imagine the Possibilities

Student seated at graduation ceremony

America is a nation of entrepreneurs and innovators; admired and often imitated. We have landed probes on Mars, designed the world’s most admired technology, and our film and music industries are powerful influencers of culture globally. With all our success, why then do we trail so far behind in providing an excellent public education for…